Activities held during the week preceding Classy, “Clicks and
Kicks," will include daily events meant to inspire and encourage healthy
living. No matter where you are, you can participate. Hashtags are provided for
participants to post selfies of themselves engaging in our activities!
The week’s Women's Health Focus culminates on Saturday with the
“Classy, Clicks and Kicks, an evening of great music and dancing! Tom Joyner’s
Old School Cruise jazz band, Natural Change, will headline the night with a
great lineup of music to keep the dance floor packed!!!
Come out dressed in cocktail attire and tennis shoes. Whether
they are Nikes, Converse or Adidas, it is your choice and chance to shine!! You
will not have to worry about sore feet as you dance the night away in your
comfy kicks! Tickets are $60 each and include light hors d'oeuvres.
There will be a cash bar and giveaways throughout the night. Tickets are available via: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/classy-clicks-and-kicks-by-the-waco-central-tx-chapter-of-the-links-inc-tickets-37287211052.
For more information, contact event chair Carolyn Scott at drscott3@yahoo.com or visit the Waco Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, chapter website: wacolinks.org.
For more information, contact event chair Carolyn Scott at drscott3@yahoo.com or visit the Waco Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, chapter website: wacolinks.org.
Proceeds from this event will go to chapter programming efforts
and scholarships.
A Week of Hashtags:
#MondayMania: Participate in aerobic exercise such as
Zumba, kickboxing, etc.!!
#TouchBaseTuesday: Take a mental break with meditation, massage
and/or a yoga class
#WednesdayWalkDay: Strive for 10,000 steps
#TakeTheStairsThursday: Use the stairs instead of the elevator
#FridayNightLights: Participate in any sports-related activity
with friends such as flag football, tennis, 3-on-3 basketball, etc.